Spring is coming to Ranginui Retreat

The first hints of Spring are appearing at Ranginui Retreat here in the Wonderful Wairarapa - daffodils, lambs, blossoms

How do I know that spring is coming to Ranginui Retreat? The daffodils are flowering, the first lambs are making their appearance and the deciduous trees, and our wonderful flowering cherries are budding up ready to break out into the bright green leaf of spring or the beautiful blossoms that will soon be here. Even the hornbeam and birch hedges are showing signs of life.

Having spent time in both Canada and Switzerland the coming of spring is super special. That moving from going to work and coming home in the dark and everything being a sort of “grey” gives way, seemingly overnight, to the most beautiful spring green and the days get longer so that a glass of wine outside on the patio can again be a part of the evening ritual.

We have a walk in the garden at Ranginui Retreat that has 12 cherry blossom trees, and these are just magnificent as they burst into flower and give a wonderful pink and white canopy to walk under.

I will be posting photos when it happens this year and we’d love to host you so you can experience this beautiful time of year for yourself.  

We are super excited as Spring approaches, and we get ready to open our accommodation suites at Ranginui Retreat. Renovations to the house are now complete to allow our guests to enjoy even more privacy and luxury.

#IfYouSeekNZ @purenewzealand #ranginuiretreat.co.nz


Posted by Rob Steele on August 18, 2022

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